Woman showers herself with love without any moderation

Showering yourself with love is like setting the scene for your own fairy tale, one where you are the queen, the knight, and the dragon if need be. It’s a treatment better than any man could ever muster, because who knows your desires and whims better than you do? Loving yourself first is the key to creating the life you want, and when you set the bar high enough, it’s a wonderful way to show any man the standard they need to meet. After all, if you’re already treating yourself like royalty, no one’s going to swoon you with a bouquet from the gas station.

Picture this: you’re out on a date, and the guy asks if you’ve “got your bag” this week. You glance at your Birkin, a little number you picked up because, let’s face it, you deserved it. “Oh, this old thing?” you respond with a wink. He gulps, realizing he might have to step up his game. And when he thinks flowers are a waste of time, you subtly flash your Van Cleef necklace, a little gift to yourself because you’re worth it. Watch him sweat as he tries to figure out how to keep up. Spoiler alert: most can’t, but that’s half the fun.

Showering Yourself with Love: The Ultimate Standard

Loving yourself isn’t just about the material things, although let’s not kid ourselves, a Birkin never hurt anybody. It’s about setting a standard of self-care and self-respect that others have to meet if they want to be part of your fabulous life. If you’re always putting yourself first, making time for what makes you happy, and treating yourself with kindness and indulgence, you’re sending a clear message: “This is the bar. Reach it or move along.”

Men who see this high standard might feel the pressure, but the ones worth keeping are those who rise to the occasion. They learn quickly that a woman who showers herself with love isn’t going to settle for anything less than exceptional. They’ll realize that a trip to the florist isn’t enough; they’ll need to bring their A-game to even catch your attention. And honestly, that’s exactly how it should be.

Little Gifts: Birkin Bags and Van Cleef Necklaces

In this delightful game of self-love, little (or not-so-little) gifts to yourself are a charming way to keep things exciting. Whether it’s a new Birkin bag because you’ve been eyeing it for months, or a Van Cleef necklace because you deserve to sparkle, these tokens are more than just accessories—they’re declarations of your worth.

When a man asks if you’ve “got your bag” this week, he’s usually referring to some abstract concept of success. But you? You’ve literally got your bag, and it’s a fabulous one. It’s a symbol of your independence, your taste, and your unwavering commitment to treating yourself right. And when he realizes his “flowers are a waste of time” mantra isn’t going to fly, he’ll understand that you’re someone who knows how to appreciate the finer things in life, especially when they come from yourself.

The Sacred Ritual of Time Alone

One of the most underrated yet essential aspects of showering yourself with love is making time for yourself. Time alone is a sacred ritual. It’s when you can truly unwind, reflect, and recharge. This is your time to indulge in whatever makes your heart sing, whether it’s a bubble bath with a glass of champagne, binge-watching your favorite series, or simply lounging in bed with a good book.

This alone time is crucial because it’s a reminder that you are complete all by yourself. You don’t need anyone to fill a void because there isn’t one. You are whole, and your happiness doesn’t depend on anyone else’s presence or validation. When you value your own company, you set a powerful precedent: anyone who wants to be in your life must enhance it, not complete it.

Creating the Life You Want

Loving yourself without moderation means you’re actively creating the life you want, not passively waiting for it to happen. You’re making choices that reflect your desires and dreams, and you’re not afraid to go after what you want. This proactive approach is empowering and contagious. It inspires those around you to step up their game and match your energy.

When you’re constantly showering yourself with love, you’re showing the world how you deserve to be treated. You’re demonstrating that you’re worth every ounce of effort, every grand gesture, and every moment of appreciation. And the best part? You’re not relying on anyone else to make you feel this way. You’re in control, and that’s a powerful place to be.

In a world where self-love often takes a backseat to other priorities, showering yourself with love without any moderation is a revolutionary act. It’s a bold declaration that you are worthy of the best, and you’re not afraid to claim it. Whether it’s through little luxuries like a Birkin bag or a Van Cleef necklace, or through sacred alone time that recharges your soul, you’re setting a standard that others must meet if they want to be part of your fabulous life. And trust me, there’s no better way to show a man the standard than by treating yourself like the queen you are.


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